The Practice of the Presence of God by
Brother Lawrence in m4b audiobook format
for the iPod and iTunes
Brother Lawrence (c. 1614 - February
12th, 1691) entered the priory in Paris as a lay brother, not having
the education necessary to become a cleric, and took the religious name,
"Lawrence of the Resurrection". He spent almost all of the rest
of his life within the walls of the priory, working in the kitchen for
most of his life and as a repairer of sandals in his later years.
He was known for his profound peace and many came to seek spiritual guidance from him. The wisdom that he passed on to them, in conversations and in letters, would later become the basis for the book, The Practice of the Presence of God. It became popular among Catholics and Protestants alike, with John Wesley and A. W. Tozer being among those who recommended it. (wikipedia) |
32 kbps m4b mono |